Young Artist Showcase

Discover and purchase unique artworks created by the talented 12-year-old artist, Tia Dimovski.

person about to write on white printer paperr
person about to write on white printer paperr

Art Gallery

Browse through my collection of unique and vibrant artworks for sale.

U see what I see

Explore my colorful and imaginative artworks available for purchase.

orange smoke on blue background
orange smoke on blue background
Abstract Artworks

Discover my abstract and thought-provoking pieces up for sale.

colored pencil lined up on top of white surface
colored pencil lined up on top of white surface
multicolored hallway
multicolored hallway
Nature Inspired Designs

Find inspiration in my nature-themed artworks that are for sale.

Whimsical Paintings

Get lost in the whimsy of my playful and enchanting paintings.

Young Artist

Showcasing my artwork for sale at just 12 years old, proving age is just a number.

Tia Dimovski, 12 years old


Creative Portfolio Showcase

Flying Colors

2023 - Present

Displaying my finished artworks for sale on my personal art website.

Artistic Achievements

Flying Colors

2021 - 2023

Building a portfolio of my artwork and proving that age is no barrier to success.

assorted-color paintbrushes
assorted-color paintbrushes

Young Artist Showcase

Welcome to Flying Colors, where 12-year-old Tia Dimovski displays her incredible artworks for sale. Despite her age, she proves that talent knows no bounds.



Inspiring young talent

Amazing creativity

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Tia's artworks are truly amazing! I can't believe she's only 12 years old.

Art Lover

right arrow sign on wall
right arrow sign on wall

I am blown away by the talent and creativity shown in Tia's artworks. Truly inspiring!

Happy Customer

pink breathe neon sign
pink breathe neon sign